
Sen's freemium model


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Augmented Reality


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Choose places and events to film


For Consumers


£3 per month

Enjoy unlimited video streaming without ads. Available 2024

For Media

Pay per download


Buy and download any pre-recorded video from the Sen app

For Creators

Pay to video


You choose what to video with a choice of cameras

For Business


£60,000 per year

Buy and download up to 30 pre-recorded videos per year

What can you do with video?

News stories

Sen's app is using video from space to tell the story of life on Earth and space, making videos and Augmented Reality freely accessible for everyone. What could you do with video? There are lots of applications where we hope partners will use our data to enhance monitoring of planetary changes.


We envisage our data being used for 3D mapping, monitoring wild fires and other environmental events and helping emergency response teams. We also see our data being useful for commercial organisations such as shipping companies and insurance companies needing timely updates on events. We've made our data low cost to download for analysis, so why not try today and see what applications and services you can build?

Environmental monitoring

Sen's app is using video from space to tell the story of life on Earth and space, making videos and Augmented Reality freely accessible for everyone. What could you do with video? There are lots of applications where we hope partners will use our data to enhance monitoring of planetary changes.

What can you do with video? Become a partner today and start exploring